•     Analyze agency’s readiness for Cal AIM

  •      Develop CalAIM Managed Care Provider (MCP) fiscal and administrative procedures, including registration relationships, contract execution, and protocols and internal systems that adhere to Cal AIM program requirements

  •     Assist clients to navigate MCP registration processes to become an ECM and/or Community Supports (CS) provider

  •      Support clients to implement ECM activities, including outreach strategies, assessments, care plans, workflows, and program graduation outcome metrics

  •     Assist clients to recruit and on-board staff for CalAIM implementation activities

  •     Trainings for grant fiscal management, including adherence to the funder, federal OMB, State of California, and insurance standards, as appropriate

  •      Training in mandated data collection standards to support grant outcomes, patient confidentiality, and data security

  •      Case management and case management systems training and support

  •     Develop and implement third-party program evaluations

  •      Training, technical support, and direct program services for outreach to minority and disadvantaged populations, including non-English speakers and speakers for whom English is not their primary language, by developing language specific outreach materials and trainings and technical assistance to ensure culturally competent and linguistically appropriate care

  •       Strategic assistance to design, implement, and run homeless housing and services systems, including staffing, and supporting Continuum of Care (COC) efforts throughout California

  •     Assist clients to develop, fund, and implement reentry programs for persons formerly incarcerated